Tuesday, November 19, 2013

In Which Our Students Share Some Words

So, still waiting on that post from Nancy about our trip to Seoul. In the mean time, I thought I'd jump on here and share some of the fun things our students have said. The first was a four year old, so it has the advantage of being a young child as well as an English Language Learner. So, Nancy was teaching a kindergarten class that I also teach, and one of the students asked her if she was married to me. Nancy said yes, and then the student said, "I don't like Cliff Teacher." Nancy asked her why and she said, "He is so, so, so, so, sooooo dunsty!" Nancy asked her what "dunsty" means, and she just said, "I don't like." So, now we use the word "dunsty" for things that we don't like. It's fun to have a new word.

The other one is funnier, and kind of awkward. So, in some of our classes we have them write a journal every week, just something to give them an opportunity to write. The topic that Nancy gave her classes a couple weeks ago was, "In 20 years, I will...." After she explained what it meant, (Apparently in Korean they have the expression "in my 20th year" so it was a little confusing.) they got all excited and started talking about things they would do, like working, and getting married and...laying a baby. That's right, somehow, the kids here have learned that in English you lay a baby. Like a chicken lays an egg. I guess it makes sense, but it just sounds so weird! Nancy isn't even sure how to correct that. I haven't heard it come up in my classes yet, but I think it's hilarious. At any rate, that's about all I've got for the moment. We don't actually have any fresh pictures, either, so I can't end this post with a picture of us. So, with that, I make an end. This is Captain Danger out.

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