Sunday, April 27, 2014

In Which I Make a Plan

For those who may be interested, and I realize that may not be a lot of you, tomorrow I will embark on what I've decided to call the Captain Danger 1/3 Marathon of 2014! It will be just over nine miles, which I realize is more than a third of a marathon, but I don't know if 9/32 Marathon would roll of the tongue nearly as well. At any rate, I think it's going to be awesome. I'm going to run from our house to Iho Beach and from there along the coast to the Dongmun rotary and then I'll catch a bus back home. Here's the route that I plan to take

Anyway, I'm not sure how many people care about this, but I'm pretty excited! I'm going to be taking Nancy's phone to track my progress, so I'll take some pictures while I'm out, and you can watch for a blog post about how it went tomorrow! This is Captain Danger out.

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