So it started raining last night shortly before it was time for us to ride our bikes home from school, and this morning we woke up to a continued torrential downpour interspersed with strong wind gusts. I checked the weather and apparently we were getting hit by the outer edge of what they're calling Typhoon Danas! How cool is that! Apparently the real typhoon is missing Korea entirely and going and slamming into Japan, but that's cool with me. Also, if you look at my Facebook you saw that I really don't approve of the name they've given it. But oh well. At any rate, I woke up at 8:00 and around 10:45 or so (that's almost three hours of sustained torrential downpour, a thing almost unheard-of in Utah), I decided I should go out and take a look. So, I put on my swimming suit and a T-shirt, so I wouldn't have to launder a pair of my shorts, and headed out, camera in hand, to see what I could see.

Truth be told, it really wasn't all that exciting. I mean, sure, it was wet. Like, probably about as wet as it ever gets in Utah or Idaho, so I guess that was kind of cool. I was probably outside for about twenty minutes and I came back thoroughly soaked. I hiked up to the river/creek/usually dry stream-bed that is near our house, hoping to see a
Subway in 2011-esque raging torrent of death. I was a little disappointed. Here's what I saw:
While this is a lot more water than is usually in this thing (usually there's no water) it's still not that impressive. |
So, not the most exciting thing ever. Here are a couple more pictures of how wet it was:
Water flowing across the pavement. |
Also, I realize that we were on the outside edge of the typhoon, technically, I think, just barely inside its area of influence, but I still expected stronger winds. Sure, they were strong enough to make an umbrella almost more of a hindrance than a help, but that doesn't take a lot. I tried to take some pictures of trees getting blown on really hard, but the wind didn't cooperate. Instead I got this:
It doesn't even really look like a stormy day in this picture. |
So, don't get me wrong, I thought it was cool, I just thought it would be cooler. What would make it even cooler was if it was called Typhoon Steve. Seriously, they missed the boat on that one. At any rate, I think that's about all I have to say about this. This is Captain Danger out.
Hahahaha Cliff, you make me laugh. Hopefully the next natural disaster that hits you will be more exciting :P