Monday, October 28, 2013

In Which I Share Even More Thoughts

So, I have some thoughts on Hallasan, and also I want to post a couple videos that Nancy didn't post, because I think they're awesome. At any rate, thoughts. I think I'll do them in a way that has worked for me on this blog before: a numbered list. Here goes!

1. So, not too difficult. Seriously. I mean, sure, I'm probably in the best shape I've ever been in since like the spring of 2006, maybe even better because I was just skinnier then, I wasn't running and exercising, but it really wasn't that hard of a hike. The fact that the trail was really well maintained and that much of it was wooden boardwalk and stairs probably contributed to that.

2. While the fog was pretty cool (I kind of felt like a mistborn), it was a bummer that we couldn't see anything from up there. One of the main reasons I like to climb a mountain is for the view, and I didn't get that. That's why we're going to have to go again.

3. I would like to point out that I am immune to cold. People always say, "Oh, when you're in a humid place, the cold is so much worse and piercing and it goes to your bones and you can't handle it!" I didn't feel it. At least, I didn't as long as I was moving. Heck, even when I wasn't moving, I was okay. Here's a picture to prove that:

That's not faking, the look on my face is one of pure joy. I'm fairly certain the temperature was well below freezing here. Granted, I was wearing my Hulk t-shirt. The Hulk is also immune to cold, one reason why he's my favorite Avenger.
When we got to about the last half mile, every Korean who was coming down the mountain was dressed in a parka, and they all gave me really incredulous looks. A couple of them said "Wow!" in English, and many of them said something in Korean after looking at me, which I'm assuming was something to the effect of, "That crazy foreigner is so stupid! He's going to die!" I didn't. When we got to the top, I stood at the railing looking down into the crater, where a crazy strong (and freezing) wind was blowing across the top of the mountain and I said, "Nature, I defy you!" Or, at least I said it in my head. So, there you have it, I'm even immune to humid cold.

4. The fall colors were pretty nice, and it wasn't nearly as crowded as I expected. In fact, it was probably less crowded than Timpanogos has been on the two occasions when I've hiked it.

5. In mostly unrelated news, our branch president had us into his office on Sunday. He sat us down, and he asked us if we were making enough money to feed ourselves. His reason for doing this? Apparently I've lost so much weight that he worried that Nancy wasn't feeding me. Pretty awesome, right? I've kept maintaining that I don't think I look much skinnier (I guess I'm kind of being like a girl that way) but I guess I'm wrong about that.

6. These videos are awesome. I especially like the last one, but the commentary in the first two is also pretty fun. Here's this one, when we were close to the summit:

And this one, on the summit:

And this one, also on the summit (my favorite):

Anyway, I think that's about all I've got to say about this. Overall I had a great time, and I look forward to doing it again, hopefully when it's warmer, and definitely when we can see! This is Captain Danger out.

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