We had a really busy summer! I, at least, always think during school about how relaxing summer is going to be, and it seems like it rarely actually is. Between all the different activities and trips we did this summer, it was really fun, but also really busy. Here's a long post alert (because this will be a long post). I don't apologize. I'll just run these things down in chronological order.
We did a couple sessions of swimming lessons for the kids this summer. It was Paul's first year of being in a class that one of us wasn't in with him and he really liked it. Elsie's attitude about her class varied from super excited to super angry, depending on the day, but overall it was a lot of fun. Here are a few pictures:

At the beginning of the summer I was able to go on a trip with the young men from our ward to Havasupai, an Indian village in a tributary of the Grand Canyon. Pictures below will show why people want to go there. I've been before, back in my single days in the summer of 2011, and it was about as cool as I remember it, though you're not allowed to do cliff jumping anymore, which I found a bit disappointing. While some of the people who came were not prepared for the difficulty level and length of the hike in and out, which we did over two days, because that was all we could get a permit for, all of the young men who we've been training for this trip since November or so did great, and we had a fun time. Here are some pictures:
Havasu Falls |
Mooney Falls |
On the way out. Amazingly, the hike out took only around
8 hours, while the hike in took some people close to 11 hours. |
Then, in the middle of June, we had a reunion with all of our close friends from college. We call ourselves the canyon crew or the canyoneering group, or something. (There's not really an official name, I would vote for Steve.) Anyway, we all became friends through going on canyoneering trips while we were in college or single after college. By now, most of us are married and many of us have kids, so it was kind of a wild few days with a whole bunch of kids (all 4 and under, if I remember correctly) running around like crazy. But all of the kids got along really well and had a blast the whole time, and it was great to be able to hang out with everyone again. The guys even got to go canyoneering, though Matt wasn't feeling good, so he abstained. We'll allow it. Here are some pictures:
Paul and Ben. One of the things they have in common is a great affinity for sticks. |
Smokestack Canyon approach hike |
Me and Jeph at the head of Smokestack Canyon. It was a winner. |
After that we headed up to Provo to visit Nancy's sister, Janet (not pictured, I guess Nancy took all of those pictures on her phone). We also visited BYU and bought a bunch of paraphernalia at the bookstore and went to the creamery for lunch. It's always fun to see how things have changed since we left. Here are some pictures:
Paul said, "It's a hippopotamus shaped like a cougar!" I think that's a rude thing
to say about Cosmo. What did he ever do to you, Paul? |
Dinner with Uncle Blaine |
Stopping at Glen Canyon Dam on the way home |
The next week, we flew up to Idaho and visited my parents in Weiser, just for fun. It was good to get back to the ranch, and I enjoyed helping out, though the main reason why I enjoyed it was probably because I knew I wouldn't have to do it indefinitely. I also got the biggest blisters I've ever had from wearing irrigation boots that were too small. Lesson learned, and I got to try out some of my bbq skills at home. I wasn't too pleased with it, but everyone said it was good, so I guess it turned out okay. Here are some pictures:
Paul and Elsie both loved the swingset |
Going for a four-wheeler ride! |
We went up to the mountain pasture and a tree had fallen
across the road. |
Obviously, I walked across the tree and took a selfie on it. Then
we pulled it out of the road with the truck, at least enough to get past it. |
Dad's birthday! |
Paul loved playing with his aunt and uncles. |
Paul also got to ride on the swather with Grandpa |
Feeding the pigs |
Feeding the bottle calf |
For the Fourth of July we went up to Pine (out of the valley, thankfully) and spent a couple days at our friend's cabin. We also went down to Payson to watch the fireworks and visited Grandma and Grandpa Swenson. I guess the only thing that I got pictures of was watching fireworks.
Paul watching fireworks with Sarah. Shortly after this she and
Jeph had to go and move to Virginia. Miss you guys! |
My wife is so attractive. |
We did spend at least a few days at home between all of these trips.
The final trip of the summer was to Reno, where we went to Nancy's family reunion in Virginia City (just up the hill from Reno). It's an old boomtown from the late 19th century that's been converted into a tourist trap. It was pretty fun. The mountain views up there are quite pretty, and it was great to spend time with family. Here are some pictures.
We went on a steam train ride. It was pretty cool. |
St. Mary's in the Mountains Catholic Church. It was built in the
late 19th century, and was a pretty church to go inside and take a look at. |
I took advantage of the not ridiculously hot weather and took
Paul and Elsie on a hike one morning. Paul really did a good
job on the hike. Elsie fell asleep in the carrier. |
All the cousins! |
We went to Lake Tahoe twice while we were up there, and I rowed the boys around
all over the place in that lake. When I wasn't rowing them around, CJ was. |
I guess that's about it! Like I said, a pretty busy summer, but we had a great time. Now I'm back at work, and things seem to be going reasonably well so far. This is Captain Danger out.
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