Sunday, December 14, 2014

In Which We Almost Make an Announcement

So, fun news this week! We had thought that we were going to find out if our baby is a boy or a girl at 20 weeks, but since we're going to be out of town, the doctor said that we could find out at eighteen! That's this next Friday! So, in honor of that, let the guessing begin! I'm even making a poll here for your guessing convenience!

Will Cliff and Nancy's baby be a boy or a girl?
online poll creator

So go ahead and weigh in! We'll be sure to let the world know when we find out! We will be happy with either one, of course, but we think it will probably be a girl, since combined in both of our families there is only one girl grandchild so far. That's how the odds on these things work, right? Keep an eye on this page for the coming news!


  1. Yay! I can't wait to hear!! Love you guys!!!

  2. The Ewert grandchildren are now at 6 boys to 1 girl and the Shirts' side is at 5 boys to 1 girl. May the odds be in your favor. :) We must be only about 1-2 weeks ahead of you guys! Congrats!
