So, it's been a pretty wild past few weeks. We've been to Provo and back twice and we've finally moved into our apartment and gotten settled in. We've done quite a bit of stuff since my last blog post. We managed to get a canyoneering trip in before we left Utah. We went to The Black Hole of White Canyon with some friends, and it was AWESOME. I'm going to miss Utah canyons. But, we're only about two hours further out from a lot of the areas, so that's some consolation, and we have canyons of our own down here. Our friend Sarah bought the guidebook and lent it to us. I may not give it back. We went kayaking with our friends the Dunsters, which was fun, though I've learned that having a large and heavy butt is not an asset (see what I did there) when you are kayaking. We drove down from Utah in a Penske truck. Those things are surprisingly nice to drive. We didn't have it very loaded down, so that sucker took off like crazy. Granted, top speed was 75 miles per hour, but you could get used to that. Actually, I thought that it was nice not worrying about going fast. We weren't in a hurry, and so I didn't worry about going five miles over the speed limit or about passing slow people or anything like that. Then we moved into our apartment in Phoenix, which is by far the nicest place I've ever lived. It's much better than our Korean place (read: it has an oven and a microwave and it's not tiny and it has a bathtub and carpet), and pretty big by our standards. We bought furniture for our place, and assembled it, which was an adventure. We also decorated, and we've had a lot of onsite training for our schools, though Nancy has had more than me, because she actually has a school building. They're hoping that mine will be done in time for the first day of school. Anyway, maybe you all would like to see some pictures of all this stuff? That's ridiculous, but okay.
It's tradition to take a picture next to this sign. |
Dropping in to the canyon. |
I'm a fan of this picture. Captain Danger, investigating around the corner. |
Sarah about to make a big jump. I made it first. |
Wrapping the rope we used for assistance on the tricky downclimb. In case you're wondering, I didn't use it. |
Awesome reflections. All these photos are credited to Anthony Dunster. |
Jumping rock! |
Climbing out. |
Kayaking! |
Anthony and Jessica |
The water was too shallow for my big butt, so I had to get out and tow the kayak out of
the shallows. |
Nice surroundings. |
Our Penske truck! |
Lake Powell! I want to actually go there at some point. |
Glen Canyon! Pretty sick. |
Note my kickawesome sunglasses. |
Glen Canyon Dam! It's huge! |
Really cute nephews. |
Our apartment! We bought the couch at a place in kind of a shady part of town, and I put it together. The chair is on loan from our friend Dustin. |
Dining room. Notice the Asian decor. |
Other angle on the living room. Captain Danger for scale. |
Kitchen. Notice the fantastic amount of counter space. |
Bathroom. I managed to get into this one, too. |
Bedroom. One of these days I'm going to make us a headboard. It will be the DIY project of the century! |
Our dresser and our wall decor in the bedroom. |
Behold the awesomeness of the WALK IN CLOSET! |
So, there's your update on the Chandlers. We're having a pretty good time so far. I've been enjoying the Phoenix area. People are friendly here. When I'm out running, everyone says hi to me, and everyone has awesome dogs. Also, the heat of Arizona is definitely overstated. I've gotten used to it way faster than I thought I would. At any rate, that's all I've got for now. This is Captain Danger out.
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