Wednesday, June 18, 2014

In Which I Accomplish Something

So, maybe this should go on my other blog, but hardly anyone reads that one, and I want people to know that I'm crazy proud of myself. I'm feeling pretty awesome, I'm not going to lie. Here's why: I have officially finished the first draft of my fantasy novel! Now that you know that this post isn't about a baby or anything, the majority of you can close the tab. Now, for the rest of you, I have to say, it's an accomplishment, even if it is a nerdy one.

I've been working on this novel since October, or maybe even earlier than that. I'm calling it Keepers of the Pit for the time being, and I think it's a pretty good story. I think my tag-line for it will be "Alternate-world urban fantasy with warrior monks and a team of super heroes." The plot is probably really predictable right now, and is also probably riddled with holes and with flat characters who make stupid decisions, but for the last little while I've just been trying to pound through it and get to the end, resolving to go back and fix all of the problems once I'm done, and now I'm done, so I can go back and fix the problems!

So, I guess that's about all I have to say for this one. I just let this momentous achievement go by without announcing it to the Internets. If anyone would like to read it and let me know what they think, just let me know and I'll share the Google Document with you.

Anyway, we did something last weekend, and we even took pictures, but I haven't gotten around to blogging about it yet. Here's a picture for a teaser:

So, I'll get to that soon. Also, my blog post on what I will and won't miss about Korea should be coming up in the next week or so, because we're leaving in TEN DAYS! You won't want to miss that post, trust me, it's going to be long, but it will be awesome.

That's all for the moment. This is Captain Danger out.

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