So we went hiking again this last Saturday. It was pretty great. I love hiking and we went about six miles this time around, which is pretty good. Let me preface this by explaining that it's possible that I have broken my right pinkie toe (Not on this hike, I kicked something while wearing my sandals. Yeah, it's sandal weather here. Sometimes.). There's really no way to know for sure without getting it x-rayed, and despite the fact that that would be crazy cheap here, it seems like a lot of effort for a pinkie toe, which I'm pretty sure they couldn't really do anything about anyway, except maybe give me pain pills, which I am most definitely above, at least for a pinkie toe. Anyway, suffice to say that I can't wear closed-toed shoes right now. I didn't let that stop me from going hiking, since I have my perfectly good Chacos. However, what I forgot is that the first time wearing Chacos hiking after not wearing them for a while almost always gives you a blister. I'll show the picture at the end. At any rate, the trail was fun. It went inland from the ocean, which isn't our favorite, but it went up on a couple hills and had some excellent views of the ocean and of Hallasan. It also went past a historic site where some general fought a bunch of Mongolians and other Koreans until they kicked his butt. That was interesting. I'm all for historical sites. So, anyway, I think that's about all I have to say here. I'll let the pictures (and captions) tell the rest.
Getting started. Are you surprised to see stairs? We weren't. |
Trail! |
Looking awesome in my hiking sweatshirt. This is the top of the hill. |
Excellent view of Hallasan, though slightly occluded by the haze. You could see it better in real life. |
This is a crazy cute puppy. It's sad that most people seem to tie their dogs up on really short ropes here a lot of the time. |
Purple flowers in a field. |
Horses! |
Nancy liked these daffodils. |
Entrance to the historical site. It looked like it was under construction. |
Sweet view out to the ocean. The dirt mound partway down the hill is the outer wall of the fort we were visiting. |
A field with a scarecrow, and ocean in the background. I call it, "Field, with a Scarecrow, and Ocean in the Background." |
I asked Nancy how she was doing. He answer was, "I'm FAABULOUTH!" |
So, that's the hike. I must say, that hiking shirt is pretty great. It kept me warm as it got pretty cold by the end of the day. My monster blister started to develop about halfway through. It's mostly healed now, but let's just say that between that and the probably broken toe, I was limping really funny at church the next day. I can walk perfectly normal in my Chacos, but not in closed-toed shoes. Anyway, if you were curious about how big my blister is, you can look at this picture. If you don't want to see it, you can close your eyes.
Also, I don't want to end the post on that note, so here's one more picture of me and Nancy:
I like that there's a plane coming in for a landing behind us. |
This is Captain Danger out.
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