Well, we've finally managed to get back out on the Jeju's Olle trails, and it is about time! It's been far too cold around here lately, and I have not liked it. Anyway, we had a pretty good time. This time we did trail number sixteen. True to our usual form, we only did half of it, and this half conveniently ended right at a bus stop. Also, this half was all on the coast, which I like a lot. The ocean is awesome, and I think I may have said it before, but I'll say it again, I'm going to miss it when we move back to landlocked Utah. So, there's not much else to tell about this trail that I can't say in photo captions. Here we go!
It's February, but there are still oranges on the trees. |
Then Nancy made a wish on a dandelion. |
Then we saw this truck that looks like it has a slightly oversized lawnmower engine. |
And then the water was super blue and pretty. |
And then there were these awesome cliffs that we hiked along for most of the trail. |
And then there was this boat rail thing for photo ops. |
Then we tried for the Titanic pose, but it didn't work that well, probably because neither of us have ever seen the movie, because it has boobs in it, and that's just inappropriate. |
Then there was this really ugly duck thing. |
Then we stopped for a snack. |
And then a guy who was driving by on the road saw me trying to set up my camera on uneven rocks and stopped specifically to take a picture for us. People here are so nice. |
Then there were these stairs going down to the ocean and a fisherman was going down
them. We thought about going down, but we wanted to make sure and finish in time
to get to the five day market. |
And then this giant metal fish tried to eat me. It was unsuccessful. |
At any rate, that's all the pictures I've got for that outing. It was pretty fun, and I'm looking forward to doing the second half of this trail. This is Captain Danger out.
TECHNICALLY, all movies with female will have boobs, whether they choose to show them or not is a different story. ;) -Mckell