Sunday, December 22, 2013

In Which I Jump Around Like a Doofus

So, we had our Jeju Branch Christmas party a couple days ago. It was pretty great. I was pressganged a while back into participating. I'm pretty sure that they figured I would participate from the beginning and they never gave me an out. I wanted out even more when I found out that the Elders Quorum's performance was going to be a Gangnam Style dance. I was there when they discussed doing some kind of thing chanting thing (which some other guys did end up doing, and it was pretty awesome) that I had no clue about, because it was in Korean and it seems the missionaries have kind of given up on translating for me, which I'm fine with. But, eventually they told me, "It's Gangnam Style, and we'll be practicing today after church." They even said there would be a snack, and I'm pretty sure they changed the schedule specifically so I could participate. I had no choice, and it turned out to be really fun. Most of our readers have probably already seen the video because I put it on Facebook, but if you haven't here it is:

You'll have to excuse the small child who keeps jumping in front of Nancy. Anyway, it was a good time. I would have preferred playing the guitar and singing or something, but this works.

The next day at church I had so many people, including a couple who I didn't know spoke English, telling me how great it was. One of the young women told me that she was super surprised about it. A member of the branch presidency said that one of the young women asked if my full name was Psy Chandler. (If you didn't know, Psy is the name of the guy who sings (and dances) Gangnam Style.) One sister in the ward said that I'm the "Dance King" which is about all the English she knows. Pretty awesome. At any rate, it was fun. It was one of those times when the language barrier has mattered less here and we could all just have fun together. It was a great party.

In other news, tomorrow (the 24th) is going to be our Christmas! We're having it a day early because we have to get up ridiculously early to catch our flight to China on Christmas morning. Have I mentioned that I'm pretty stoked to be going to China? I'm slightly apprehensive, because the Internet and the guidebook make it sound like everyone and their mother, and probably especially their grandmother, is trying to scam you over there. However, I'm going to see the Terra Cotta Warriors AND the Great Wall of China! Those are two things that, if I had a bucket list, would definitely be on it, even though before coming to Korea I never would have thought I would get to do them. That's probably the main reason I don't have a bucket list. At any rate, I think I'll make an end for this post. I don't know if our next post will be about our Christmas or if we'll jump straight to China, but either way, I'm sure it will be awesome! Merry Christmas, everyone!

This is Captain Danger out.

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