So today turned out to be a rainy Saturday. Nancy and I were planning on going down to Seogwipo (the city on the south side of the island) to check out a couple of the waterfalls down there. However, we had to wait for the air conditioning man to come, and so by the time he got here and (thankfully) fixed our air conditioner, it was after noon and we figured we'd have enough time to take a bus to Seogwipo and then get right back on it and come back. We instead opted for an option that I've seen signs for all over the city and which I've wanted to visit for a few days: Yongduam Rock. It's a rock out on the shore of the ocean that kind of looks like a dragon. We were able to take a bus there without too much trouble (We finally figured out that the Jeju Bus website works great if you 1. Use Internet Explorer (seriously?) and 2. Don't put it in English.), though I am glad that I have at least a working knowledge of how to read Korean, because otherwise I would be even more lost than I already am a descent amount of the time. At any rate, it was a pretty fun trip. We had to walk about half a kilometer to get to the rock (that's about 1/3 of a mile for those playing along at home) and the walk took us along a river running through the city in what looked remarkably like a semi-technical canyon! I'm going to have to investigate that. Anyway, said canyon eventually had a pretty cool suspension foot bridge over it that was pretty fun, and the canyon also ran into the ocean in the end, and there are these fancy stairs that we could take to walk right up out of it! We're definitely going to be checking that out. Anyway, the rock. It was pretty cool looking. It does kind of look like a dragon head if you look at it from the right angle. The main problem with going there is that the place was overrun with a HORDE of Chinese tourists! Who, I hadn't realized before, have a tendency to yell very loudly at each other. Also, something funny that happened was when Nancy and I were at one of the viewpoints and I moved to get out of a Chinese person's picture, only to find that they wanted me in it! Okay? I also wanted to climb on the rock, but I was dissuaded for two reasons: 1. Nancy pointed out that I would be being a douche and ruining everyone's pictures (Though, if Chinese people want me in their pictures, doesn't that mean I would be making them better? But I get the point) and 2. I was wearing my Chacos and the rocks that I would have had to cross were just crawling with creepy crawlies. Apparently when the tide comes in those rocks are covered, because there were lots of crabs in there. So, I settled with climbing a small rock with only a few cockroaches on it. This place is supposed to look really cool at sunset, and that suspension bridge gets all lit up at night, so we'll probably go back. At this point, I'll post some of the pictures we took. It was a fun afternoon trip!

Cool gazebo thing
Suspension bridge!
Nancy on the suspension bridge. We managed to get these pictures right before the horde of Chinese tourists arrived
Nancy inside the gazebo thing. I sure they have another name for these things here.
Nancy at the bottom of the handy stairs that lead down to the water.
I climbed this rock.
Me with Yongduam
I climbed this rock. I only saw like ten cockroaches on it. A Chinese guy came up behind Nancy while she was taking the picture and gave me a thumbs-up. I think he was telling me that the picture turned out good. Either that or that I have a trophy wife. Both are true.
Nancy with Yongduam.
It does kind of look like a dragon head from this angle.
This part has at least a couple downclimbs, and it kind of looks like a pothole!
At any rate, that's all I have to write about at this point. I'll leave you with a photo of Nancy and me waiting for the bus.
This is Captain Danger out.
Haha! The part about the guy giving you a thumbs up cracked me up! :)