Cliff had Friday and Monday off for Easter weekend or "second spring break" as they call it over there. We decided to pack the weekend full of fun family activities and enjoy our last little bit of time with just the three of us.
Thursday night we headed to Mesa for the Easter pageant, "Jesus the Christ." It is something we have really loved about living in the valley and being able to remember what Easter is really about.
Friday and Monday mornings we got to go on a family jog. Though Cliff had to do some running up ahead and then back to us to keep pace, it was fun and Paul really enjoyed having Daddy there for his morning runs.
Then we headed to the spash pad with some ward friends. Got to take advantage of the 90s weather before it is too hot to enjoy any of the summer activities.
Then I headed to a salon to get a mani-pedi for the first time ever but I decided it was something Cliff should gift me for some pampering before I have to labor this baby out.
In the evening, we headed to Disney on Ice. Cliff was gifted tickets by a student of his (perks of teaching) and we really enjoyed the show. It was so fun to remember all our favorite Disney movies and listen to the music and see the performance. I can't say how much Paul loved it but he was certainly captivated for the entire 2 hours of the show, so that is certainly something.

Saturday, we started off the day with a ward Easter breakfast. Cliff cooked with his young men and we enjoyed spending time with family as well as our ward family. Then Paul and I headed to the city park for an Easter egg hunt. Paul was in the 4 and under group and it was crazy chaos. Parents were not allowed into the baseball field with their babes but many of them would not follow instructions and were just mobbing around the openings. I was about to have a panic attack considering I had no idea where Paul was in the huge mob of children and certainly couldn't see whether he came out at the end due to a huge mob of unruly parents but Paul had a great time, figured it out all on his own, picked up 4 whole eggs, and I found him right away when he came out the gate at the end. So, success!

Of course Sunday morning there was an Easter basket waiting for Paul. He was adorable and just so excited for his treats. He would squeal "candy, candy!" every time he opened an egg with a treasure inside. He also loved his little bubble machine and his new, used books.
Everyone at church loved his Easter outfit! So cute! |
We enjoyed a delicious Easter dinner with our friends Katie and Curtis. Katie and I spent the evening talking baby while the boys rocked out. We are just three weeks apart in our pregnancies!
Then today, Monday, we spent the day running errands and cleaning the rug. Exciting stuff!